




Measles is an infection that spreads very easily and can cause serious problems in some people.

  • Having the MMR vaccine is the best way to prevent it.

MMR vaccine is given to babies and young children as part of the NHS vaccination schedule.

Child's Age Vaccine
1 year MMR (1st dose)
3 years and 4 months MMR (2nd dose)

NHS vaccinations and when to have them


Missed vaccines

It's important to catch up on any missed vaccines.

You can still ask your GP surgery for the MMR vaccine if your child has missed either of these 2 doses.


When older children and adults should have the MMR vaccine

It's important to check you've had both doses if you:

  • are about to start college or university
  • are going to travel abroad to any country outside of the United Kingdom
  • are planning a pregnancy
  • are a frontline health or social care worker
  • were born between 1970 and 1979, as you may have only been vaccinated against measles
  • were born between 1980 and 1990, as you may not be protected against mumps

Contact your GP surgery or check on the NHS App to see if you are vaccinated. 

For more information head to the NHS website. 

Published: Jun 20, 2023